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the ways to bring back and rediscover joy amid the chores in your busy kitchen

Your time in the kitchen is meant to be enjoyed. This comprises moments that are meant to be translated into memories – moments of quiet rumination, deep or shallow; celebrations with peers; reminiscences of laughter with family.

Your kitchen is that part of the household where you make your sustenance, feed yourself with nourishment, and enjoy some sweets and drinks. And so it is a must that you make this section of your home as welcoming, warm, and neat as much as you creatively can.

There’s so much bliss and happiness to be found and enjoyed in the kitchen. They’re like these little everyday treasures waiting to be uncovered, discovered, experienced, savored.

However, let’s face it. In today’s modern world where everyone is pretty occupied with the newest technology that hastens everything and that seems to advocate for the fast-paced daily living, you may be, perhaps, one of those who hardly notice the beauty that’s your kitchen.

So, allow Kitchables to join you in bringing back and rediscovering joy amid the clutter, hustle and bustle in your busy kitchen – no matter how big or small it is; regardless of how old or new it is; whatever gadgets or gizmos are in it or otherwise.

Let’s begin!

First off,

Tidy up and organize!

Find joy in a kitchen that is in order.

You’ll want to have a clean and organized pantry where you’ll actually want to spend time relaxing, dining, and having fun in.

Organize your pantry in such a way that you have everything necessary within easy reach when preparing meals and drinks, and cooking. Our Kitchables canister should come in handy if you want to store spices and other foodstuff in an airtight container that completely wards off not just dust and microbes but also other deteriorating elements such as air and sunlight. Our coffee canister – that is not exclusive to storing coffee 😉 – is truly no ordinary container. Get yourself one, or two. We have a variety of colors that should go perfectly with your kitchen design. Oh, and it has an adjustable calendar atop it to help you keep track of the freshness of your cooking essentials.

Make sure you find comfort in your kitchen area so that you get to relish and appreciate your favorite dishes even better. Sanitize, cleanse and polish regularly.

Keep your utensils clean. Never leave them used and left unwashed for longer than what’s sanitary. This will keep your dining space neat and bug-free.

Next up,

Brew a cuppa

Find joy in slow pour over coffee brewing.

Photo credits: IG’s @brighteyedbaker, @bethannearthur, and @flavourfilled

At Kitchables, we believe that coffee is meant to be enjoyed as we dance our way through every day instead of rush through it. And very much true to this idea, there came the Kitchables product line – our range of kitchen accessories thoughtfully designed and carefully crafted for “slow brewing” has then been born. We want to bring the joy back into every phase of coffee concoction and remind you of its pleasure that cannot be found in that “to-go” cuppa.

And wouldn’t it be quite an adventure if get back to brewing your own coffee every day in a busy world where everything seems to be instant and on-the-go?

Or you can then,

Make tea

Find joy in sipping on your favorite tea which you, yourself, prepared and infused.

Photo credits: IG’s @thecharmingdetroiter, and @shwetainthekitchen

You may also,

Concoct a cocktail…or mocktail 😉

Find joy in a moderate dose of spirits.

Grab some fresh oranges and apples, refreshing ice cubes, and some bold and dry wine to make a classic red Sangría. Or perhaps some strawberries, mint leaves and syrup, then add rum to make some nice and smooth mojito. Liquor not your thing? Simply take out the rum and pour in club soda instead and you get yourself a sweet mocktail!

Finally, don’t forget to,

Do meal-planning

Find joy in planning out your diet and nutrition for, at least, the rest of the following week.

It is, indeed, amazing how much genuine enjoyment you can find in your home kitchen only if you take the time to pause and look around. You can cook, make tea, brew coffee, prepare fresh juices, among many other kitchen errands and not consider them burdensome routine of “chores.” Rather, you make a hobby out of them and make them a habit as time goes by.

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